Are you facing the challenge of having a loved one struggling with drug use in your home? Is the pressure mounting, with everyone suggesting that kicking them out is the only solution? These circumstances can bring immense worry, confusion, and strain on...
Have you been told you’re codependent on your partner, sibling or child who’s struggling with addiction? Or that without strict rules & tough love, you are enabling substance use and keeping your loved one from recovery? Does it feel like you or your...
EP 21 Blog Post Patrick Doyle Supporting His Son With Addiction Select ‘Watch on YouTube’, Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Like and Comment so I can answer your questions and spread this valuable information please! Thank you! In July ’22 for...
EP 20 Blog Post Alex Colyer of The Albertus Project lost her best friend to addiction. I am so honored to talk with my good friend Alex Colyer who has so much wisdom to share. Alex, thank you for coming on, how are you? I’m really good and excited to be...
This is Linda’s story; so sad yet powerful testimony for the need to involve families in addiction treatment, and what happens when families are not involved/supported. Which is ALWAYS. We can and we MUST do better. How do you help your partner when you’re...