Have you been told you’re codependent on your partner, sibling or child who’s struggling with addiction? Or that without strict rules & tough love, you are enabling substance use and keeping your loved one from recovery? Does it feel like you or your family is being blamed or criticized?
If you prefer compassion, motivation, and refuse to give up, you’re not alone.
The idea of “codependency” stems largely from Al-Anon Family Groups (founded in 1951 and based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous) and was promoted heavily by authors in the 1980’s. While it can help families, Al-Anon was not designed to help people with addiction. We’ve all seen the ultimatum tactics on A&E’s ‘Intervention’ series countless times. It’s as if shaming and blaming both the family and the person with addiction is in our American DNA.
Medical research studies and the CRAFT method have proven there’s a far more effective way.
Family Addiction Coach Patrick Doyle, and Parent Coach Cathy Taughinbaugh break it down in this previously recorded Facebook Live from 11.17.22.
00:00 Intro
01:46 Definition of Codependency
03:15 Codependency, Addiction & Families
05:04 “Enabling”
08:47 Families Who Refuse to Give Up
13:09 How Codependency Harms
18:55 Cathy Taughinbaugh
22:17 How to Support Your Loved One
24:20 Encouragement
25:54 How to Cope with Shame
31:05 Treatment Centers
35:04 Medication
40:28 Resources
42:16 Invitation to Change Support Groups
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Edits by @RebelEclectic