Some items posted by credible sources on Twitter have a remarkable ability to cut to the truth; like this, from Jon Hislop, MD, PhD of Vancouver B.C. @HislopMD . I find myself cringing when I hear the terms “Rehab” or “Detox” used to describe treatment for alcohol or drug use disorder; especially involving Opioids. The truth is that there’s no standard definition for “Rehab”. As most consumers seem to believe that a “Rehab bed” is effective treatment, it’s a term that residential programs embrace as it brings in paying customers. While there is effective residential treatment out there, it’s also true that some residential drug “Rehab” programs could be ineffective, or even harmful. For many patients, outpatient treatment with an option of medication has proven far more effective, than residential treatment (which generally doesn’t offer medication.)
A reliable source of science and evidence-based information on addiction and recovery is Dr, John F. Kelly of the Recovery Research Institute’s at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Anyone considering treatment would do well to read on to learn about common scams; caveat emptor. And please leave a comment below…