
Can People Who Had a Drug Addiction Ever Drink Alcohol?
Useful presentation of research and evidence testing some traditional beliefs about addiction and recovery by Zach Siegel. We looked into the concept of "once an addict, always an addict." Zachary Siegel Jun 15 2018, 3:01pm Amid the outpouring of praise and...

The Power of Family Opioid Coaching
How greatly does Opioid and other drug misuse impact the family and how can we aim to reduce it? This post examines the problem and describes an innovative solution. Substance use can erode the trust, love, and respect forming the foundation of family life. In order...

Drug addiction affects the user’s entire family — but where are the support groups for that?
Important event in Cincinatti Ohio to support families who have lost a loved one through addiction. I'm hearing that such families often feel uncomfortable attending traditional bereavement support programs, from the reactions received from others upon disclosing the...

“Enabling” vs. Positive Reinforcement: Helping A Person With Substance Use Issues
They call it 'Tough Love" but there's nothing LOVING about distancing yourself from the person with substance use issues; and it usually doesn't work for you or your loved one, except possibly as a last resort. The reality is that you can increase the likelihood for...
Meet 91-Year-Old Dr. Melissa Freeman; first MD to treat women with opioid addiction
She's a 91-year-old practicing physician, granddaughter of a slave, and one of the first doctors to treat women with opioid addiction. #InternationalWomensDay How amazing and inspirational; for women, for all of us....

Why Do We Avoid Medication Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)?
Thinking about why we avoid Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) medication treatment that has been proven to lower mortality rate by 50-70%, in favor of abstinence-based rehab which has… well, not as much documented efficacy.

WNYC News: This Professor Teaches About Drug Use, Including His Own
I have a lot of admiration for the intellect, passion, and compassion of Columbia University Professor Carl Hart, who is very open about his own use of drugs (including heroin). Until now, my understanding was that Dr. Hart had developed addiction early in life which...

NY Times: The Wrong Way to Treat Opioid Addiction
When I read this editorial in the NY Times, a light went on in my mind telling me ‘Yes, this makes sense and is consistent with my coaching experience and what I’ve learned from families.’ The editorial has useful information for families trying to make sense of the contradictory information you’ll hear from everywhere, about what works and what doesn’t with Opioid Use Disorder.