The third of my Pro Tips series gives you sixteen little-known practical steps you can take TODAY to Find Help For Addiction. Did you know that many states have a 24hr hotline at 211 that will give you soon intake appointments for treatment? That having a medical professional calling an ER in advance will get you better care? That patients usually do best when they are allowed to decide on treatment they wish to pursue; or not? That you can get a same-day appointment with your primary care physician to start treatment? That your health insurance will provide Telehealth medical evaluations to start treatment? That the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)’s Navigator search engine finds treatment with no commercial sponsors? That sometimes residential rehabs don’t help; or even cause harm? That going in to a Safe Stations firehouse in some cities will get you a Recovery Coach with resources? Try to remain hopeful, recovery is always possible; don’t give up on yourself!